
4. Samira Said - Ma Khalas

Samira Said - Ma Khalas

The most important words in this song
afham - to understand
ahlam - to dream
amal - to do
aul - to speak
faakir - to remember
hawaal - to try
raah - to go

Arabic lyrics
سميرة سعيد - ما خلاص
ما خلاص عايز ايه منى ايهابعد بقى عنى ايهحاول تفهمنى الماضى خلاص انساه
ما خلاص ايه جابك تانى ايهارتاح وانسانى ايهواللى هييجى منك والله مانيش عايزاه
بتقول انا كنت زمان بهواكبصراحه انا مش فاكراكوبتتكلم عن ايه
ماخلاص راحت يا حبيبى عليكعايز تحلم خليكوعايزنى اعملك ايه
يا سلام بتحايل في ايهوبتحلم بي ليهلا اهدى شويهده خيالك راح لبعيد
وبلاش يخطر على بالك لاان انا راجعالك لاما تشوف بقى حالكده كلامك مش هيفيد
انت اللى بالبعد بادىودلوقتى عادى انى اقسى عليككل اللى هاين علي تشوفك عيني ولا تحن ليك


Ma kh'alas
3ayez eeh mini
Eb3ed ba2a 3ani
khawel tefhamny
El bo3d kh'alas ensah
Eeh gabak tany
Ertah wensany
Wely hayegy menak
Wallahy maneesh 3ayzah

Ana kont zaman bahwak
Besaraha ana mosh fakrak
We betetkalem 3an eeeh
Ma kh'alas
Rahet ya habeeby 3aleek
3ayez tehlam kh'aleek
We 3ayezny a3melak eeh

Now I am going to split the lirycs into smaller parts and explain it

Ma kh'alas 3ayez eeh mini ما خلاص عايز ايه منى

"Eeh" (ih) - what, "min" - with, od. "mini" - from me
"ayez" - as we already know, it means "to want". Word "eeh" (co) stands after verbs. Literally : You want what from me?
"It's over, what do you want from me"

Eb3ed ba2a 3ani ابعد بقى عنى ايه

"Eb3ed" - go away, "ba2a" - be, exist, "3ani" - from me.
Meaning: "Go (far)  away from me"

hawaal tefhamni El-ma3d kh'alas insah - حاول تفهمنى الماضى خلاص انساه

"Hawaal"- to try, "tefhamni" -you understand me. This expression means - "Try to understand me".
"el-ma3d" - the past, "insah" - forget. "The past is over, forgive me".

Eeh gabak tani - ايه جابك تانى

"gaab" - bring (sth), so "eeh gabak" - what did you bring with you. "tani"- again.
"What have you brought again"

Ertah wa insani - ارتاح وانسانى

"ertah" - to relax, to feel good, sometimes it can mean "calm down, relax". "insani" - forget me . "Relax and forget me".

Wa illi hayigi minak Wallahi manish 3ayzah - واللى هييجى منك والله مانيش عايزاه

"Illi" - this, that, "hayigi" - will come (future tense for 3 p. Future tense we see in beginning -ha-, 3 p. in -y-). "wallahi" - I swear (to God). "ayza" - I want (for female).
"What will come with you, I swear, I dont want it".

Bituul Ana kunt zaman bahwak - بتقول انا كنت زمان بهواك

"aul" - to tell, to speak, "bituul" - you speak (all the time, without stop, we see it in beginning -b-). "kunt" - 

 used to ( like in english construction I used to do it, but now I do something different)
"zamaan" - time, "bahwak" -I loved you.
"You tell me I used to love you".

Be-saraha ana mosh fakrak - بصراحه انا مش فاكراك

"bi-saraha" - honestly. "faakir" - remember, "fakrak" - remember you.
"Honestly, I don't remember you".

Wa bititkalim 3an eeeh - وبتتكلم عن ايه

"bititkalim" -you tell, "3an" - about, "eeh" - what
"What are you talking about?"

Rahet ya habeeby 3aleek - راحت يا حبيبى عليك

"raah" - to go, "rahet" -it went, "aleek" -on you.

 "It went away, lovely, for good"

3ayez tahlam kh'aleek - عايز تحلم خليك

"ahlam" - to dream, "khaliik" - let, be able to.
"Do you want to dream? You can"

Wa 3ayezny a3melak eeh? - وعايزني أعمل لك ايه؟

"ayezny" - you want from m, you want me to. "amal" - to do, "a3melak" -to do for you.
"And what do you want me to do for you?"

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Would you do the rest of the song, ‏من فضلك ؟ ?
